Sunday, March 23, 2014

Life in the Zone

Hi I'm Twila, I've named this Blog Life in the Zone for several reason, the first being as a kid Twilight Zone was often the name kids used to frustrate me and pick on me. I hated my name for the longest time because of it. I wanted desperately to have a "normal" name. As I got older I realized how wonderful having my name was and now celebrate the "Zone". The second reason is because even though my life is relatively boring I am definitely Zoned into a world that allows me to see people in the best and worst of their lives.
I've been working in ministry since I was born. No I'm not a PK but I've grown up in the church for better or worse it has shaped me and made me who I am. I feel that a part of me has always known I'd do something in ministry even though I fought it for quite some time, I thought I wanted to teach but quickly realized that, that was not my passion. I love kids, I've wanted to work with them and help them to make the world better since forever. Now at the age of 30 I've been a Christian Education Director, Children's Ministry director and now a Seminary student.
I would like to us this blog as a way to get my sermons out into the world as well as idea's for Children's ministry, and maybe the occasional rant and ramble on things that are happening out in the world.
I hope you enjoy.
