Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Kids These Days

       So I was at Panera today trying to get some work done. Our internet and network are down at work and I had a meeting before I could go home so I thought why not Panera. When I get there and sit down with my Coffee Crumble Cake and drink I notice these three young men sitting at the table across from me. Two of them had computers and headphones in their ears and the other one had the cell phone in their hand. They sat like this for about 45 minutes before, I guess it was pick up time; when they put their computers away and got out their phones until someone came to get them. Normally I would keep my mouth shut and not say anything about nothing but its becoming more and more alarming to me the rate at which teens, kids, and even myself and other adults have embedded technology into their lives. I sit here at Panera writing this because a virus has held our office at a stand still, and I wonder back to the days when technology was a luxury and not a necessity. I'm 30 now so I'm allowed to use, "when I was a kid", so here goes when I was a kid children behaved in restaurants without technology, teenagers socialized at malls and restaurants by talking to each other.
      I know I'm a hypocrite as I sit here typing this, I am in front of my computer with headphones in my ears blocking out the world around me, and I have to ask the question when did this become ok? Why does a five year old need an iPhone? Why are parents so worried about getting their two year old their own iPad or laptop? I had one parent friend of mine tell me they were grateful for the iPad because other wise they could never take their 2 and 4 year old out to dinner. Really???????? Am I insane? Is it because I don't have kids of my own that I can't understand why its ok to give their one year old their phone because they are screaming? I sit and here and know that when the day comes that I have children of my own I will be in a heap of trouble because I too am addicted to my phone and iPad and computer and TV. Please know that I'm not saying I'm perfect in fact, I know I'm part of the problem. But I have to ask how is this truly affecting the next generation? Will they know how to truly develop relationships, will they be able to have good meaningful conversations with each with out emoticons? I know how I sound, believe it or not I work with kids on a weekly basis, I plan events and activities for them on a daily basis, I'm in their world, I'm not some old crotchety 30 year old and I love technology, I think for the most part it is a wonderful and useful tool to stay connected to the wider world but when does it become to much? When do we finally say a child will be fine if they don't have access to major electronics until they are old enough to read or need them for school?